By Kate Cho
Julia Petterson, a dominant player on the volleyball court, also has a distinct talent in art. Julia has been a part of Collingwood for the past thirteen years. She was born in London, and lived there until the age of five, until she moved to Vancouver. Julia goes back every summer with her parents and younger sister Charlotte to visit family and friends.
In her spare time, Julia enjoys writing, drawing, and creating short films. She is also an amazing volleyball player, and has been playing for the Collingwood volleyball team for the past eight years. She has also been a player at an outside-of-school club for the past five years.
Julia Petterson, a dominant player on the volleyball court, also has a distinct talent in art. Julia has been a part of Collingwood for the past thirteen years. She was born in London, and lived there until the age of five, until she moved to Vancouver. Julia goes back every summer with her parents and younger sister Charlotte to visit family and friends.
In her spare time, Julia enjoys writing, drawing, and creating short films. She is also an amazing volleyball player, and has been playing for the Collingwood volleyball team for the past eight years. She has also been a player at an outside-of-school club for the past five years.
When asked what “art as a means of expression” means to her, she replied that art is something she has grown up with and something that has been influential throughout her life, as it has always provided her with a means of relief. She believes that art, no matter one’s background or skill level, can be done by anyone.
Julia believes that anyone who has entered her life has influenced her, but her family and friends are what truly drives her to create and excel in her environment. She says, “Being surrounded by such creative, beautiful people really pushes me to follow my ambitions”. Julia is also incredibly inspired when travelling and being exposed to different cultures all around the world.
Julia enjoys working with ink, specifically micron, and watercolor. She loves the looseness of watercolor and in stark contrast, the detailed work that can be done with micron. She believes that when the two mediums are put together, they create an exceptional work. However, when she is doing life drawings, she enjoys using conté and charcoal, as she believes it captures movement efficiently.
Julia believes that anyone who has entered her life has influenced her, but her family and friends are what truly drives her to create and excel in her environment. She says, “Being surrounded by such creative, beautiful people really pushes me to follow my ambitions”. Julia is also incredibly inspired when travelling and being exposed to different cultures all around the world.
Julia enjoys working with ink, specifically micron, and watercolor. She loves the looseness of watercolor and in stark contrast, the detailed work that can be done with micron. She believes that when the two mediums are put together, they create an exceptional work. However, when she is doing life drawings, she enjoys using conté and charcoal, as she believes it captures movement efficiently.
“I could never commit to saying that I love one type. Generally, I just like art that makes me think”. Although Julia does not have a specific style of art she likes, she prefers modern art to traditional. Julia continues to explore different mediums of art as she plans on continuing to create purely for her enjoyment.
After high school, Julia is thinking of pursuing a career in either the film or design industry, and potentially marketing as well. Julia simply strives to be continuously happy while creating art, whether that be in a traditional sense or in working for a creative industry. Additionally, she would like to eventually sell some of her work and she plans on submitting one of her pieces to the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of the Arts in London.
We wish Julia the best with her continued artistic excellence, and we look forward to her work in the future!
After high school, Julia is thinking of pursuing a career in either the film or design industry, and potentially marketing as well. Julia simply strives to be continuously happy while creating art, whether that be in a traditional sense or in working for a creative industry. Additionally, she would like to eventually sell some of her work and she plans on submitting one of her pieces to the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of the Arts in London.
We wish Julia the best with her continued artistic excellence, and we look forward to her work in the future!