By Nora Titus
We often wander the halls of high school never knowing the wonders and works of other students. It is inevitable, as we are all bustling and busy, but today I took the time to delve into the world of grade twelve student Sarah Van Mook.
We often wander the halls of high school never knowing the wonders and works of other students. It is inevitable, as we are all bustling and busy, but today I took the time to delve into the world of grade twelve student Sarah Van Mook.
This fair-headed creature is known for her grace and seemingly effortless dance gild, but only those close to her are aware of her beautiful and moving artistic creations. Sarah’s pieces are inspired by life and nature, her biggest challenge being the human form. “I tend to practice repeatedly when I’m supposed to be taking notes,” she confided, giggling nervously. “I can’t seem to help myself.” She brings images to life by exploring colour and by combining various media, and produces truly astounding effects.
Surprisingly, Sarah’s work has almost never been featured outside of Collingwood’s walls until very recently. One of her graphic design pieces was chosen for an art show held at York House School. According to Sarah, this moment offered an opportunity that “was so exciting for me. As an artist, having something I created made available to a larger audience was thrilling, and I am so grateful to share with the community. I’m even thinking of seeking out private studio space to channel more artistic energy, and I hope it works out.”
Sarah also confessed that despite her burning love for art, she feels that a life spent behind an easel would drive her utterly mad. However, she plans for art to be incorporated as an integral part of her future, especially as she pursues education in a different field.
“Who knows?” Sarah exclaimed, “Maybe it will even be featured in a museum!”
“Who knows?” Sarah exclaimed, “Maybe it will even be featured in a museum!”