By Claire Yu
Kate Cho, a current grade eleven student, is well known within the artistic community for she possesses an amazing talent in performing art. Born in Korea in 1999, Kate and her family moved to Vancouver when she was only six years old. With Kate’s mother having been an actress in Korea, Kate and her two younger brothers were able to delve into the realm of acting at a very young age. Kate began her artistic journey at age six, dancing ballet and learning to act. In grade five, she then made her debut onto the theatrical stage, playing a role in a rendition of the musical “Marry Poppins”. This performance, which was in front of a live audience, marked the beginning of her career as an actress.
Performing arts has been Kate’s foremost passion for she enjoys learning scripts and performing in front of an audience. Unlike most, Kate barely gets nervous before going on stage, which is one of the reasons why she would be able to seamlessly pursue a career performing.
Besides performing arts, Kate has many other hobbies such as creative writing, reading and shooting films. However, performing arts is what defines her; performing arts have influenced her by giving her excitement in her life. The person who influenced her most has been her mother, as she has pushed her and encouraged her. Kate notes that she would not have been as accomplished, without her mother’s guidance. Performing arts embodies who she is and has shaped the way she perceives the world. It has crafted her outlook, in seeking and finding inspirations for her next film, another notable artistic pursuit of hers. Outside of school, Kate enrolls in a fulltime weekend film course where she learns how to shoot films, screen write as well as act. Her interest in filmmaking was a natural progression from her love of acting.
Kate has accomplished many things in her artistic career, over the past few years. After her Marry Poppins musical in grade five, she placed 3rd for acting in grade 10, 2nd for acting in grade 11 and 1st in poetry in voice this year. She also went to New York University where she spent a month learning what its like to work in the film industry. She got to interview several actors and study how to shoot a film, act, voice act as well as gained exposure to some of the jobs behind the camera.
Kate knows she was born to perform, and hence she has decided that in the future, she would like to work in the film industry. She has already embarked upon her official career, with her going on sets for movies and getting her hands on every opportunity she has.
Kate Cho, a current grade eleven student, is well known within the artistic community for she possesses an amazing talent in performing art. Born in Korea in 1999, Kate and her family moved to Vancouver when she was only six years old. With Kate’s mother having been an actress in Korea, Kate and her two younger brothers were able to delve into the realm of acting at a very young age. Kate began her artistic journey at age six, dancing ballet and learning to act. In grade five, she then made her debut onto the theatrical stage, playing a role in a rendition of the musical “Marry Poppins”. This performance, which was in front of a live audience, marked the beginning of her career as an actress.
Performing arts has been Kate’s foremost passion for she enjoys learning scripts and performing in front of an audience. Unlike most, Kate barely gets nervous before going on stage, which is one of the reasons why she would be able to seamlessly pursue a career performing.
Besides performing arts, Kate has many other hobbies such as creative writing, reading and shooting films. However, performing arts is what defines her; performing arts have influenced her by giving her excitement in her life. The person who influenced her most has been her mother, as she has pushed her and encouraged her. Kate notes that she would not have been as accomplished, without her mother’s guidance. Performing arts embodies who she is and has shaped the way she perceives the world. It has crafted her outlook, in seeking and finding inspirations for her next film, another notable artistic pursuit of hers. Outside of school, Kate enrolls in a fulltime weekend film course where she learns how to shoot films, screen write as well as act. Her interest in filmmaking was a natural progression from her love of acting.
Kate has accomplished many things in her artistic career, over the past few years. After her Marry Poppins musical in grade five, she placed 3rd for acting in grade 10, 2nd for acting in grade 11 and 1st in poetry in voice this year. She also went to New York University where she spent a month learning what its like to work in the film industry. She got to interview several actors and study how to shoot a film, act, voice act as well as gained exposure to some of the jobs behind the camera.
Kate knows she was born to perform, and hence she has decided that in the future, she would like to work in the film industry. She has already embarked upon her official career, with her going on sets for movies and getting her hands on every opportunity she has.